Glory Ridge Shih-Tzu
Since 1986
Warsaw, Missouri
Customer Reviews
Don't let this overwhelm you!
Equipment suggestion at bottom of this page.
Prepare Yourself
Here are a few tips provided by the American Kennel Club to help you understand the commitment that you face as your new family member enters your home. Karen's comments in CAPS.
Get Ready
1.Prepare Yourself *** Get ready for your new friend before you bring him home, to make sure the transition will be as smooth as possible. Buy food, treats, a collar and leash, toys, grooming tools and other necessities in advance so your dog or puppy will have everything he needs.
2.Make a Schedule *** You and your family members should decide who will be responsible for food, water, walking, exercise, clean-up and grooming. Post a schedule of tasks in a visible area of the house to remind everyone of their responsibilities. TAKE PUPPY OUTSIDE EVERY 2 HOURS TO HOUSEBREAK AFTER 10 WEEKS OLD. CONFINE DOGS AREA IN THE HOUSE UNTIL HOUSEBROKE. PLAY YARDS ARE SAFE AND EASIER TO CLEAN UP AFTER PUPPY. Get potty pads and a potty pad holder.
3.Dog-Proof Your Home *** Prepare your home before your new dog arrives. Move breakables or "chewables" to higher ground. Make electrical cords inaccessible to curious paws and noses. Block off any area of the house that you want off-limits to the dog. Put the lid down on your toilet and your shoes up in your closet. Block access to any house or garden plants that may be toxic to dogs.
4.Set a Containment Policy *** It is essential that you have a secure method of keeping your dog on your property. Check your fence for spots vulnerable to chewing or digging. If your yard is not fenced, consider a large dog run or invisible fencing. If your property is not fenced in some way, stress to family members that the dog must be leashed at all times when taken outdoors.
5.Get a Collar *** Your dog should wear a flat leather or nylon collar with a buckle at all times, except when in a crate. (The buckle can catch on the crate and cause injury.) The collar should be tight enough that it will not slide over the dog's ears, but loose enough that you can fit two fingers between the collar and the dog's neck. Check the fit of the collar often, especially if you have a fast-growing puppy. BE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR MICROCHIP NUMBER IN SAFE PLACE AND REGISTER IT WITH NATIONAL AGENCY PROVIDED BY ONE WHO INSERTED IT. ALL OUR PUPS ARE MICROCHIPPED.
6.Make a Bed *** Every dog needs a quiet place to call his own. Create a comfortable area, whether a crate, a mat or a pile of blankets, for your dog to go to when he needs rest or privacy.
7.Buy Some Toys *** Provide your dog with a variety of toys to prevent him from playing with your socks and shoes, your morning paper, or your child's favorite doll. Get some toys that you and your dog can play with together, such as balls and plush toys, and some things to keep him busy when he's alone, such as chewies or rope bones. Never leave your dog unattended with any toy that has small, detachable parts. NO CHINA MADE TOYS-CAN BE TOXIC.
8.Find a Veterinarian *** You should choose a veterinarian for your dog as soon as possible. I will give you the dog's health records upon pick up.
Be sure to look through e folder thoroughly and REGISTER THE MICROCHIP TO YOU by the 800 # on the card for the chip.
Bringing Your Dog Home
9.Welcome Your New Pet *** At last! You've made all the preparations, and it's finally time to bring your new friend home. Give him the best welcome possible. With love, patience and mutual respect, he will feel like part of the family in no time.
10.Let Your Dog Adjust *** Give the dog time to adjust to his new home. The dog is bound to feel insecure and frightened by a change in environment, and a pup may be homesick for his mother or littermates. Show him to his crate or bed, and where to find food and water. Then leave him alone to explore the new surroundings.
11.Name Your Dog *** Your dog will need a good name. 2 syables are best for a name. Older adopted dogs can adjust quickly to a new name.
12.Make Introductions *** Introduce your dog to your household slowly. Many pairs of hands petting him at once will only frighten him. Later, introduce him to neighbors, regular visitors and other family members. Give your dog a sense of who your - and your dog's - friends are.
13.Introduce Other Pets *** Other companion animals in your home should also be properly introduced to your new dog or puppy. Don't expect them to get along right away, and don't try to force them to play together. Give them time to adjust to one another.
14.Housetrain *** Whichever method of housetraining you have chosen - crate training, paper training or litter box - make sure that all members of the family enforce it consistently. Accidents happen, so have a procedure for clean-up. SHIH-TZU DO NOT CRATE BREAK. SEE bottom of page.
15.Set House Rules *** Teach your dog from the beginning what is and is not appropriate behavior. If something is "OK" today, your puppy will think it's OK forever. Make sure that every member of the family enforces the house rules. Consistency is the key to having a well-behaved pet.
Keep Your Dog Healthy
16.Go to the Veterinarian *** Set up a schedule for regular check-ups with your veterinarian. Ask the vet questions about your dog's diet, behavior, activity level or other concerns. Contact the veterinarian at once if your dog seems ill or in pain. Your puppy will not need the next shot for 4 weeks when you bring it home.
17.Feed a Good Diet *** Work with your veterinarian or breeder to find the food that is best for your dog's age, size and activity level. Keep the diet consistent. Always provide plenty of fresh, clean water. WE SUGGEST NUTRISOURSE PUPPY FOOD UNTIL 12 MONTHS AND THAN ADULT . You will be GIVEN A BAG OF PUPPY FOOD IF YOU PUPPY IS DELIVERED BY ME.
18.Exercise *** Dogs need regular exercise to ensure continuing good health. Take your dog for walks, run around in the yard, throw a ball around - anything to get him up and moving. This will benefit his health and could prevent behavior problems.
19.Vaccinate *** Dogs should follow a strict schedule of vaccinations to prevent diseases. Keep your dog current on his vaccinations, following the schedule recommended by your veterinarian. Keep a copy of your dog's vaccination records handy. DO NOT OVER VACCINATE! OUR PUPS VACCINATION AND HEALTH RECORDS ARE WITH PUPPY ON DELIVERY. WE BELEIVE IN TITERS, NOT OVER-VACCINATING!
20.Prevent Disease *** You can take steps to prevent other diseases not covered by vaccinations. Depending on the area of the country you live in, your dog could be at risk for diseases such as heartworm and Lyme disease.
21.Repel Fleas and Ticks *** Aside from discomfort, parasites such as fleas and ticks can cause serious diseases. Keep your dog, his bedding, and your home free from parasites by using the method recommended by your veterinarian.
22.Know Your Dog's Patterns *** You should become familiar with your dog's patterns in terms of eating, drinking, sleeping and relieving himself. Any major variations in these patterns could indicate illness and should be reported to your veterinarian.
23.Provide Chew Toys *** Dogs never outgrow the need to chew. Protect your possessions by providing a variety of chew toys to satisfy your dog's urges. NO CHINA MADE TOYS! CAN BE TOXIC!
24.Bathe Your Dog *** A clean dog is a healthy dog. Bathe your dog on a regular basis appropriate to his breed and environment. Overbathing can be harmful to a dog's skin. Use a good shampoo and be sure to rinse well. If bathing your dog is more than you can handle, take him to a groomer who will provide you with a professional look for your dog.
25.Groom Your Dog *** All dogs should be groomed regularly for health and best appearance. Some short-coated breeds need just a quick brushing every week, while some longer-coated breeds need daily brushing to prevent matting and to reduce shedding. If your dog requires clipping or sculpting, you may want to consult a professional groomer. Keep the hair around the dogs rear end short or it gets matted with feces.FISH OILS REDUCES SHEDDING. SHIH-TZU DO NOT SHED BUT CAN HAVE SKIN ISSUES IF FED SOY.
26.Clip Those Nails *** Keeping your dog's nails short will keep him comfortable, prevent injury to his feet, and may save the surface of your floors. If you can hear your dog's nails click on a hard surface, they need to be trimmed. Ask your veterinarian for advice on clipping your dog's nails yourself or if you are having him groomed the groomer is happy to do this for you. GLORY RIDGE REMOVES ANNOYING DEWCLAWS AT 36 HOURS OLD.
27.Clean Those Teeth *** To prevent tooth decay and gum disease, clean your dog's teeth regularly. Most dogs will accept a "toothbrush" if introduced to it slowly and gently. You can also give your dog products such as hard biscuits, rope bones and nylon chews to keep his teeth clean. DO NOT FEED WET FOOD- ROTS TEETH FAST !!!
28.Prevent Obesity *** Keep your dog healthy by maintaining him at an appropriate weight. Feed him a well-balanced diet and give him plenty of exercise. Don't give in to begging - "people food" is generally bad for dogs.
29.Know Your Breed's Health Risks *** You should be aware of common health problems in your breed, how to prevent them, and how to recognize their onset. For example, some giant breeds are prone to bloat, while some short-faced breeds are prone to respiratory problems. Ask your breeder or veterinarian for information about any signs or symptoms you should watch for in your pet. DO NOT LEAVE SHIH-TZU IN HEAT.
20.Protect From Poisons *** Make sure that your home and yard are free from poisonous substances, such as antifreeze, which tastes good but can cause serious illness or even death. Keep your veterinarian's number handy in case of accidental ingestion. CHOCOLATE IS POISON !
21.Be Alert to Changing Needs *** As your dog ages, his needs will change. He may require a different diet, need more sleep, and be less active.Do what you can to keep him comfortable. Your dog may not be as "fun" as he once was, but he is the same dog you loved as a puppy. You should do everything you can to pamper him in his final years.
22.End Suffering *** If, due to illness or old age, your dog reaches a point where his quality of life is severely compromised, arrange to end his life humanely. Letting go is sometimes the kindest thing you can do. Don't prolong the suffering because you fear the pain of losing your pet. CBD OIL IS A GREAT HELP IN EASING PAIN.
23. WE DO NOT SEND ANYTHING HOME WITH THE PUPPY WITH THE MOTHERS SCENT. This is nonsense. The puppies are weaned 2 weeks before they go home with NO contact with the mother. They are NOT children, they are DOGS and they DO NOT need a security blanket.
ORDER YOUR NUVET Shampoo Products and Vitamin supplements!
The excitement of a new puppy or kitten can be made all the more joyful when they are made comfortable and well taken care of. When a new pup or kitten is ready to leave the litter, usually at around 8 weeks, it’s important that certain needs be met that will help them bond with their new family.
Just like a newborn child, puppies and kittens need food, water, a warm place to sleep, plus lots of love. Commercial and raw food diets can leave big gaps in their nutrition. A quality nutrient supplement will provide essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes crucial for developing pets. The first two years of a puppy and kitten's life are critical for building a strong immune system, bones and organs.
NuVet Plus® is a scientifically formulated nutritional supplement that helps to promote the proper development of young dogs and cats in several crucial ways.
1. Boosts the Immune System.
Puppies and kittens need a healthy immune system, which is responsible for defense against environmental toxins, by-products and unwanted pathogens. NuVet Plus® contains Blue Green Algae which is a very rich chlorophyll source and has been shown to enhance the health of the entire body, strengthen the immune system and promote intestinal regularity.
2. Strengthens the Cardiovascular system.
A young canine or feline needs a strong heart to power all that energy. NuVet Plus® contains Evening Primrose Oil, which is high in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid that promotes cardiovascular health.
3. Fortifies Bone Structure.
Puppies and kittens, like children, require strong bones to support their active lifestyle. A new pup or kitten that can stand, jump and run must depend on their nutrition to give them a healthy skeletal structure. NuVet Plus® uses Oyster Shellwhich has the proper ratio of quality Calcium and Phosphorus for optimum absorption. Along with Magnesium, these are the vital elements for the structural framework of bones.
4. Promotes a healthy Nervous System.
NuVet Labs® knows a kitten and a puppy’s developing nervous system needs help to stay healthy which is why we make sure to include Vitamin B3 (Niacin) as part of our formula. B Vitamins are essential, and B3 promotes growth and proper functioning of their growing nerve network.
5. Supports healthy Glands and Organs.
Growing pets need real nutritional sources and one of the best comes from 100% Chicken Liver found in NuVet Plus®. Paddle dried to maintain full potency of its Omega Fatty Acids, Vitamins A, C and B Complex, NuVet Plus® provides essential nutrients to fuel red blood cells and make your pup’s or kitten's internal organs strong.
NuVet Plus® is the best nutritional supplement for young canines; perfectly balanced to provide the most effective fundamental and essential ingredients that can help defend your new puppy from toxins and nutritional deficiencies. Our dogs have lived past 17 years old with these supplements.
Product Suggestions and Great Sites

This is a pen sold at Amazon for about $56. up
This is the best way to house break your puppy. Put pups soft bed and newspapers in pen.
I do not recommend you leave food in there. Water bottles are best. There are excellent ones ON EBAY
Pups won't house break until after 10 weeks old. DO NOT LET THE PUP HAVE RUN OF THE HOUSE. You can play with pup in an area and if he starts sniffing the floor, take him to the papers. Bringing the papers out side with the pup will tell him what you want him to do. Take out very often during the day. It will take several weeks to make the pup understand to go outside. Give much praise when mission is accomplished out there. Clean any accidents inside with VINEGAR.
Discipline wrong behavior EVERYTIME with a loud "NO!" and a swat on the rear with a rolled up newspaper. Don't let the puppy become the lead dog! YOU are to be the lead dog to the pup!

Our puppies are all trained to a lickit system and we HIGHLY recommend you use water bottles. It keeps their face cleaner and they will not be able to play in the water and contaminate the water. Please give the pup DISTILLED water and gradually switch over to your tap water as not to cause stomach upset. My dogs are all on pure well water and not used to city chemicals in the water.
Check Amazon.
We use washable fleece puppy beds sold on Amazon and Chewy. Shih-Tzu love soft and comfy. Completely washable!
Order 2 so one can be in the wash .

These puppy treats are excellent! You can get them online. Get Naked Puppy Health
Made In USA, 100% Natural And Edible
Added Dha Omega 3 And 6 Fatty Acids
Fortified With Calcium For Healthy Teeth And Bones
Grain-Free, Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids
#1 Ingredient Is Chicken
We HIGHLY recommend this food!
To see more info and where to buy this dog food, CLICK PHOTOS.
Do not feed Grain Free or Raw Diets
to our puppies or dogs!!! It may harm them!!! YOU GET A FREE SAMPLE OF FEED WITH YOUR PUPPY IF YOU
Click Bag for Link

Excellent products for optimum health of your pets!